TIPS (Team-Initiated Problem Solving) Evaluation: An Effectiveness Replication of a Widely Used Problem-Solving Process for Data Teams Implementing Schoolwide Behavior Supports
Purpose: In this impact study, the researchers aim to extend the findings from previously funded IES impact study, Teams Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS). This study evaluated the impact of the Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) framework, which is frequently used by school teams engaged in universal-level data collection, decision-making, and implementation of behavior supports. The prior evaluation demonstrated positive impacts on problem-solving of school level PBIS data teams and, in turn, a positive impact on student outcomes. However, the study was limited to ideal conditions meaning the participating school data teams received intensive research support for TIPS. This current study extends the prior one to identify whether the TIPS is impactful and relevant to school districts that adopted SWPBIS within a larger student population and greater geographic area.
Project Activities: The researchers will replicate and extend the findings from the prior study by conducting a randomized wait-list controlled trial with SWPBIS data teams from 72 schools across California, Georgia, and the Northeast. The study will include an analysis of main outcomes, implementation study, and the cost effectiveness analysis and dissemination to a variety of audiences including scholars and practitioners.